

AEMP education foundation is offering two-year scholarships to those special students seeking a career in the heavy equipment management industry.
Find the document here
Find a brochure here along with the application.



the Maine educational loan authority has increased its scholarship availability by offering eight 2,500 scholarships.
Maine student
entering college in the US or Canada
Must sign up at MELA website and enter in to random drawings
MELA will select four entries in July 2008 and Four entries in January 2009

Eastern Maine Chapter #329 of the National Association of Women in Construction

Eastern Maine Chapter #329 of the National Association of Women in Construction will offer a scholarship of 500.00. This is awarded to any MALE OR FEMALE interested in pursuing a career in the construction industry.
Must be interested in construction, construction management, architecture, civil engineering structural engineering or electrical engineering.
Complete application-in guidance and provide 3 letters of recommendation.
Completed application must be post marked by April 18, 2008

UMaine Rotc program.

ROTC program has a scholarship for you. Scholarships pay tuition, a monthly stipend and a stipend of 1200 for books. They are available to any student that has a GPA of 2.5 or better and scored a 920 or better on the SAT's Math and reading only. AND is interested in becoming an ARMY officer. DEADLINE IS APRIL 1
Contact Darryl Lyon at 207-581-1125


Maine state Nurses Association.
1,000 scholarship. Application in guidance office.
Must be a maine resitdent.
GPA of 3.0 or higher
write a cover letter
must be full time at college (more than 6 credit hours)
One 1,000 scholarship in each of the following areas will be awarded.
Northern Maine
Southern Maine
Eastern Maine
questions please call:
For application please go to

APRIL 1 deadline-Golf Scholarship

Maine State Golf Association Scholarship. Download application here.
Looking for 12 students each 1,100 and renewable for up to 4 years of
undergrad study.


Verso Paper General Mill Scholarship

Attached are the guidelines and application for the 2008 Verso Paper General Mill Scholarships. Children or grandchildren of active Bucksport mill employees are eligible to apply for these scholarships.
COME TO GUIDANCE FOR the application.